
What’s new on Spleeft PRO: Advanced VBT Insights.

Spleeft introduces a new detailed analysis screen for PRO users, accessible both from the history section and automatically after completing a set on the Apple Watch training app. We hope this new screen helps you apply the data smartly, whether to see if you’re improving quickly or to make the most of your gym time.


Structure and Main Sections

Records and Personal Bests

The first section displays the records achieved during the current set, comparing:

  • Highest velocity of the set
  • Range of motion (ROM)
  • ROM consistency (variation in range of motion, a good reflection of technique)
  • Load
  • Power
  • Velocity loss

Records are shown using horizontal chips with color codes:

  • Yellow: New record
  • Gray: Close to record (>95%)

This section helps motivate you when you achieve a new record and encourages you to push harder if you’re close. You can also share your records with friends via a quick screenshot.

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Intentionality Analysis

Performing an exercise with full effort is key to improving strength levels. Therefore, if the fastest repetition is not in the first third of the set, we will show you a reminder to increase your intentionality. While this may not be the most precise measure, we hope it encourages you to always keep it in mind.

Z-Score: Relative Performance

This graph, already present globally in the training screen, compares your current performance with your recent history, indicating:

  • Green: Performance above normal
  • Yellow: Performance within the expected range
  • Red: Performance below normal

Context Metrics

Shows a direct comparison of your performance with the average of the last 6 weeks in:

  • Average velocity of all repetitions
  • Average peak velocity of all repetitions
  • Max ROM
  • ROM consistency (ideally, this should decrease, unlike other metrics)
  • Average power of all repetitions

The comparisons include percentage differences and bar charts for a clear visualization.

Load-Velocity Profile (LVP)

This section provides insights based on your load-velocity profile:

  • Expected vs actual velocity: The difference between the velocity you should have lifted a given load according to your load-velocity profile and what you actually achieved. This is especially useful if you don’t have enough data for this load to calculate the Z-Score. It also serves as a reference for what velocity you should aim for.
  • Percentage of 1RM for this load: Based on the velocity at which you lifted the weight. It serves as a daily estimate of your 1RM (calc 1RM).
  • Percentage of maximum power
  • Proximity to the load for maximum power
  • Improvements in KPIs if records have been broken: How much this load has contributed to improving your 1RM, max power, rep max, etc.
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Availability and Access

This feature is available exclusively to PRO users of Spleeft. The records and intentionality reminder are available for free to everyone. Users can access the screen in two ways:

  • From the set history
  • Automatically after completing a set on Apple Watch

Data Requirements

To show a full analysis, a minimum number of sets is required:

Soon, we will add this same screen functionality to jump training as well.

Other Improvements

We’ve improved data management on macOS. Now, on the left side of your screen, you’ll see a reactive list of each training session and each set performed that day, offering a better user experience for coaches who want to quickly review their athletes’ training.

We’ve also added something much requested in settings: the option to adjust whether you want the music volume lowered during each set to hear the velocity feedback more clearly, or if you prefer to have the feedback mixed with your music.

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We look forward to your feedback to continue improving these new features or to hear suggestions about the upcoming ones.

Iván de Lucas Rogero

Iván de Lucas Rogero

MSC Physical Performance & CEO SpleeftApp

Dedicated to improving athletic performance and cycling training, combining science and technology to drive results.

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