Spleeft - best fitness apple watch apps - Apple Watch - app for velocity - metrics - barbell velocity - new update measurement

Conoce nuestra nueva actualización: mediciones a 200 Hz y nuevas métricas

This update will allow users with Apple Watch 8 and newer to measure barbell velocity and jump height with 200 data per second. For all of you, peak velocity has finally arrived at Spleeft. New annual subscription for PRO Users. DOWNLOAD SPLEEFT APP NOW FOR PHONE, MAC AND WATCH! At Spleeft we continue to work …

Scientific Validity and Reliability Of An IMU-based App To Track Barbell Velocity

Validez científica y fiabilidad de una aplicación basada en IMU para el seguimiento de la velocidad de las pesas

INTRODUCTION – Scientific Validity After validating and testing with real users the measurement of running speed with the mobile camera (you can read the presentation here and the validation here), we realized that reliability was not everything when developing technology for athletes. The scientific validity and reliability of Computer Vision to track barbell velocity is …