
Privacy policy

The website, https://spleeft.app/, is the property of IVAN DE LUCAS ROGERO, hereinafter IVAN-DE-LUCAS.

At IVAN-DE-LUCAS we are committed to protecting the personal information you share with us, as it is essential for us to guarantee and protect the privacy and confidentiality of your personal data. 

The website https://spleeft.app/ complies with the requirements of the following laws:

Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and the Guarantee of Digital Rights. Download. ( https://boe.es/boe/dias/2018/12/06/pdfs/BOE-A-2018-16673.pdf)
Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons (GDPR), Download ( https://www.boe.es/doue/2016/119/L00001-00088.pdf )
Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE or LSSI) that regulates economic transactions through electronic means. Download ( https://www.boe.es/buscar/doc.php?id=BOE-A-2002-13758 )
This statement sets out our privacy and data protection policy with respect to the information you provide to us so that we can ensure that:

At any time, you may request the cancellation of your personal data as long as the legal requirements for data protection and conservation are met.
We are committed to complying with the obligation of confidentiality of the personal data collected, the duty to store them and not to communicate them to third parties, without the express consent of the owner of the same.
We have adopted the necessary technical and organizational measures, taking into account the state of the art, the costs of application, and the nature, scope, context and purposes of the treatment, as well as risks of variable probability and severity for the rights and freedoms of natural persons, to guarantee a level of security appropriate to the risk detected, and ensure the pseudonymization and encryption of personal data as well as the ability to guarantee the permanent confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of the treatment systems and services.

Please note that this privacy policy may vary depending on legislative or self-regulatory requirements, so users are advised to visit it periodically. It will be applicable if users decide to fill out any form on any of the contact forms where personal data is collected.

The person responsible for the processing of personal data collected on this website is:

Business name: IVAN-DE-LUCAS
Responsible party: IVAN DE LUCAS ROGERO
CIF: 70265279A
Address: Calle Los Cantos, 23. 28260 Galapagar (Madrid)
Telephone: +34 634442588
Contact: ivandelucas2000@gmail.com

In the processing of your personal data, the following principles will be applied, which comply with the requirements of the new European data protection regulation:

Principle of legality, loyalty and transparency: The user’s consent will always be required for the processing of their personal data for one or more specific purposes that will be previously reported with absolute transparency.
Principle of data minimization: Only the data strictly necessary in relation to the purposes for which it is required will be requested. The minimum possible. Principle of limitation of the conservation period: the data will be kept for no longer than necessary for the purposes of the treatment, depending on the purpose.
Principle of integrity and confidentiality: Personal data will be treated in such a way that adequate security of the personal data is guaranteed and confidentiality is guaranteed. You should know that all necessary precautions are taken to prevent unauthorized access or misuse of user data by third parties.

The collection and use of your personal data is only possible if you voluntarily provide us with your personal data and accept this privacy policy.

The different purposes for processing your personal data will be:

Online store: Purchase of clothing (“the Contract”) The personal data provided during the course of your purchasing process will be collected, processed and used for the purpose of managing your service for the subsequent execution of the Contract, and for the purpose of maintaining the contractual relationship, the management, administration, provision, extension and improvement of the services, as well as the shipment of your purchased items related to the Contract, by any means, including email and/or equivalent means.
Contact forms: Through any of the contact forms established on the Website (‘Information request’, ‘Contact’, etc.), we will ask you, in addition to your telephone number and email, certain data relating to you, or your company, in order to resolve your doubts, queries or send you further information. The legal basis for the processing of such data is based on your consent. The data provided is located on the servers of Webempresa Europa SL
Subscription form for content and commercial communications: Through the newsletter subscription form, the following personal data is requested (name, company, email and telephone number) to manage the subscription list, send newsletters, commercial communications, promotions and special offers by electronic, telephone or telematic means, provided by the user when subscribing. Within the website there are several forms to activate the subscription. The data will be kept for this purpose as long as you remain registered in our systems for sending commercial communications and as long as you do not revoke your consent. The electronic newsletters or newsletters are managed by Mailchimp. I inform you that the data you provide me will be located on the servers of The Rocket Science Group LLC (MailChimp), provider of IVAN-DE-LUCAS, outside the EU in the USA. Mailchimp. You can see Mailchimp’s privacy policy from here.
Cookies: By accessing and browsing the Website, files called cookies may be implanted on the equipment you use to browse. When you access the Website, certain information will be offered about the use of this technology through your device or terminal equipment and you can choose which cookies you want to operate on this Website. The Website uses cookies for the purpose of personalizing content and advertisements, offering social media functions and analyzing traffic. In addition, we share information about your use of the Website with our social media, advertising and web analytics partners, who may combine it with other information that you have provided to them or that they have collected from your use of their services. At any time you can withdraw or modify your consent, block or disable them through the Website configuration system or the configuration options of your browser. If you want more information, you can consult our cookie policy . The legal basis for the processing of such data is based on your consent.
Profiles. In the event that you give us your express and unequivocal consent, the personal data provided will be collected, processed and used for the purpose of automatically creating profiles in order to be able to offer products according to your needs. To this end, IVAN-DE-LUCAS informs you that: said analysis will not produce legal effects or discriminatory consequences that may arise due to sensitive criteria, such as race or ethnic origin, political opinions or religious beliefs, health status or sexual orientation, since this information is not included in said treatment, your right to obtain human intervention in the treatments, to express your point of view, to obtain an explanation about the decision taken based on automated processing, and to challenge said decision by direct communication with our DPO through the email ivandelucas2000@gmail.com; the logic applied is based on proactively carrying out risk analyses and applying statistical and customer segmentation techniques to your data, for the following purposes: a) to study products or services that may be adjusted to the specific profile of the User, all in order to make commercial offers tailored to your needs and preferences, b) to monitor the contracted products and services, c) to carry out, by IVAN-DE-LUCAS or third parties contracted by it, satisfaction surveys by telephone or electronic means in order to assess the services provided, d) to design new products or services, or improve the design and usability of existing ones, as well as to define or improve user experiences. The user, if available, authorizes the incorporation into the profiles created about him/her of the data he/she has personally provided, such as: contact data (such as name, address, email, identification data (such as name, surname, telephone number, email); customer history (such as receipt of offers, purchase data for projects or complementary services offered by IVAN-DE-LUCAS); data from apps, websites or social networks (such as data on the use of online consultations or requests for information).

There are also other purposes for which users’ personal data are processed:

To ensure compliance with the conditions of use and applicable law. This may include the development of tools and algorithms that help this website to ensure the confidentiality of the personal data it collects.
To support and improve the services offered by this website. Other non-identifying data is also collected that is obtained through some cookies that are downloaded to the user’s computer when browsing this website, which I detail in the cookie policy.
To manage social networks. IVAN-DE-LUCAS has a presence on social networks. The processing of data carried out on people who become followers on the social networks of the pages https://spleeft.app/ will be governed by this section. As well as by those conditions of use, privacy policies and access regulations that belong to the social network that applies in each case and previously accepted by the user of IVAN-DE-LUCAS. It will process your data for the purposes of correctly managing your presence on the social network, reporting on activities, products or services of https://spleeft.app/. As well as for any other purpose permitted by social media regulations.

Social networks are services provided by third-party providers that allow users to participate in a virtual community with other users through which they can create their own public profile where they can create and share content, information and personal data with other users of the network. On a social network, pages, accounts or profiles can be created and shared for personal and/or commercial purposes. The operation of the social network is regulated, firstly, by the conditions established by the owner and/or provider of the network and, secondly, when it comes to pages, accounts or profiles for commercial purposes, by the terms and conditions established by the person responsible for the commercial profile or account, who will also be responsible for processing the data on them.
IVAN-DE-LUCAS has profiles on some social networks such as, but not limited to, Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin. Users can follow us and become fans of the official IVAN-DE-LUCAS pages on the aforementioned social networks.
The user is informed that the processing of data carried out through the pages, profiles or accounts of IVAN-DE-LUCAS on social networks will be governed by the corresponding policies and conditions of both the official page and the provider and owner of each social network, where applicable.

The personal data provided for purpose 1 ‘Project contracting’ will be kept as long as the business relationship between the parties is maintained and for a maximum period of 5 years.

The personal data provided for the purposes of forms, cookies, profiles and surveys will be kept as long as the data owner does not exercise his or her right to erasure, object, limit processing and revoke the consent granted.

The categories of data processed are: identification data, specifically, name, surname, address, room owner, telephone number and email address.

No specially protected categories of data are processed.

IVAN-DE-LUCAS uses tools to manage user data that are contracted by third parties.

In order to provide services strictly necessary for the development of the activity, IVAN-DE-LUCAS shares data with the following providers under their corresponding privacy conditions:

Google Analytics: a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc., a Delaware company whose main office is at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View (California), CA 94043, United States (“Google”). Google Analytics uses “cookies”, which are text files located on your computer, to help https://spleeft.app/ analyze how users use the website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of https://spleeft.app/ (including your IP address) will be directly transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States.
Hosting: Webempresa Europa SL, with address C/ Almagro 11 6º 7ª 1. 28010 Madrid (MADRID) Spain. More information here . Webempresa Europa SL processes the data for the purpose of providing its website and database hosting services to IVAN-DE-LUCAS.
Email marketing: To carry out email marketing campaigns, segment audiences and carry out promotional campaigns, I use Mailchimp, owned by The Rocket Science Group LLC (MailChimp), based outside the EU in the USA. You can view Mailchimp’s privacy policy here.

When browsing https://spleeft.app/ non-identifiable data may be collected, which may include IP addresses, geographic location (approximately), a record of how the services and sites are used, and other data that cannot be used to identify the user. Non-identifiable data also includes data related to your browsing habits through third-party services. This website uses the following third-party analysis services:

Google Analytics. This information is used to analyze trends, administer the website, track user’s movements around the website, and to gather demographic information about our user base as a whole.

IVAN-DE-LUCAS is committed to the use and processing of users’ personal data, respecting their confidentiality and using them in accordance with their purpose, as well as to complying with its obligation to store them and to adapt all measures to prevent unauthorized alteration, loss, processing or access, in accordance with the provisions of current data protection regulations.

This website includes an SSL certificate. This is a security protocol that ensures that your data travels in an integral and secure manner, that is, the transmission of data between a server and a web user, and in feedback, is completely encrypted.

IVAN-DE-LUCAS cannot guarantee the absolute invulnerability of the Internet and therefore the violation of data through fraudulent access to them by third parties.

With regard to the confidentiality of processing, IVAN-DE-LUCAS will ensure that any person who is authorized by IVAN-DE-LUCAS to process the Client’s data (including its staff, collaborators and providers), will be under the appropriate obligation of confidentiality (whether a contractual or legal duty).

When a security incident occurs, upon becoming aware of it, IVAN-DE-LUCAS must notify the client without undue delay and must provide timely information related to the security incident as it becomes known or as reasonably requested by the client.

The user is solely responsible for the veracity and accuracy of the data sent to https://spleeft.app/, exonerating IVAN-DE-LUCAS from any liability in this regard.

Users guarantee and are responsible, in any case, for the accuracy, validity and authenticity of the personal data provided, and undertake to keep them duly updated. The user agrees to provide complete and correct information in the contact or subscription form.

The user declares to have been informed of the conditions regarding the protection of personal data, accepting and consenting to the processing of the same by IVAN-DE-LUCAS in the manner and for the purposes indicated in this privacy policy.

The consent given, both for the processing and for the transfer of the data of the interested parties, is revocable at any time by communicating it to IVAN-DE-LUCAS in the terms established in this policy for the exercise of ARCOPOL rights. This revocation will in no case be retroactive.

To exercise these rights or withdraw the consent given, you may contact the DPO of IVAN-DE-LUCAS by email at ivandelucas2000@gmail.com

IVAN-DE-LUCAS, se reserva el derecho a modificar la presente política para adaptarla a novedades legislativas o jurisprudenciales, así como a prácticas de la industria. En dichos supuestos, IVAN-DE-LUCAS anunciará en esta página los cambios introducidos con razonable antelación a su puesta en práctica.

In accordance with the LSSICE, the website https://spleeft.app/ does not carry out SPAM practices, and therefore does not send commercial emails that have not been previously requested or authorized by the user. Consequently, in each of the forms on the website, the user has the possibility of giving their express consent to receive the newsletter, regardless of the commercial information specifically requested.

In accordance with the provisions of Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, https://spleeft.app/ undertakes not to send commercial communications without properly identifying them.

Privacy policy  last updated on August 8, 2024

