
NUOVO AGGIORNAMENTO! Algoritmo dell'altezza del salto ottimizzato, nuova metrica RSI-Mod, visualizzazione del calendario e altro ancora

algoritmo altezza salto, RSI-Mod, velocità di picco, tag salto, visualizzazione calendario, Spleeft PRO, monitoraggio multi-atleta, allenamento salto, allenamento basato sulla velocità, gestione della fatica, cronologia allenamento, metriche delle prestazioni, Spleeft Watch, Spleeft Jump, analisi dati salto, prestazioni salto, forza reattiva, tempo di contrazione, CMJ, monitoraggio semplificato, scheda Tendenze, funzionalità Spleeft, prestazioni atletiche, allenamento basato sui dati

We’re thrilled to unveil the latest update to Spleeft, designed to elevate your training experience with cutting-edge features. Here’s what’s new:


1. Jump Height Algorithm Optimized

Our jump height measurement just got smarter. The algorithm has been optimized and validated against motion capture (MOCAP) technology and force plates, ensuring unparalleled accuracy. We will soon publish our validation data and a scientific paper against the MOCAP, a force platform and a contact mat. Stay tuned. In summary, we have reduced the error by 5 cm E increased the reliability in test-retest measurements.

Figure 1. Preliminary validation data shows no systematic errors between the jump height measured with the optimised jump height algorithm and the measurements with the MOCAP.

2. New Jump Metrics: RSI-Mod and Peak Velocity

We’re introducing new metrics to deepen your performance insights:

  • RSI-Mod (m/s): Understand your reactive strength like never before. It is the result of measuring the jump height divided by the contraction time of a CMJ. It is handy and more reliable for managing fatigue than just the jump height alone.
  • Optimized Peak Velocity (m/s): in the same way as jump height, we have optimized our algorithm to reduce systematic errors and increase accuracy. This metric is more reliable in measuring jumping performance.
Figure 2. RSI-Mod chart (Force(N) – Time (s)) from our validation against a force platform. In green, you can see the contraction phase and in yellow the flight phase. RSI-Mod is the result of the jump height divided by the contraction time.

3. Enhanced Training History with Calendar View

Track your progress seamlessly with the new calendar view. Navigate through your training history by day and filter data by tag or by exercise. The old list view is still available. Jump training and velocity-based training now appear in the same list.

4. Multiathlete Mode with Jump Tags

Coaches and teams rejoice! Tags have arrived also to jump! Now you can manage the fatigue of all your athletes seamlessly just with an app. This new multi-athlete mode enables streamlined tracking for multiple users. Use tags to organize jump data effortlessly, keeping everyone’s performance in check without the hassle.

The new metrics and jump tags are only available on the Spleeft PRO subscription. The new jump height algorithm and calendar view are unlocked with a Spleeft Watch or Spleeft Jump in-app purchases.

What’s next? We will include all these new metrics in our Trends tab. Data analytics will also come to jump training to manage your performance like never.

Stay tuned for tutorials and in-depth breakdowns on these exciting features. Let’s take your training to the next level!

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